Overloaded Skip Bin

Correctly Loaded Skip Bin
Overloading skip bins and mini skips seems to be a sport for some customers!
It is no laughing matter, overloaded skip bins is totally illegal for any company to transport!
If the load is higher than the top edge of the skip bins or mini skips, the driver and company are both each given a separate fine and a fine plus loss of points for the driver of the truck, by the RTA!
For the RTA to fine a truck driver for an overloaded skip bin, no waste actually has to fall of the truck, if the RTA deem the load to be unsafe or not secured, the driver and the company will both be heavily fined, due to they should have known better!
Transporting overloaded skip bins and mini skips is also a danger to all other road users, cyclists, motorcycle riders, pedestrians, children etc.
When our driver arrives to pick up your skip bin hire or mini skip hire service, if the driver deems the load to be overloaded or unsafe, we instruct them to remove all of the offending waste, inorder to be able to tarp the load so nothing can work it's way loose from under the tarped load.
Customers who overload our skip bins will not be give a second chance as it shows a lack of respect for the our company and personal and the job we are doing.
If you want to overload your skip bin hire or mini skip hire service we suggest you find another waste disposal service, as when we off load offending materials, customers can get upset and we don't like being forcefully put in these situations!